Thursday, August 18, 2011

NEW SITE!! (for now anyways)

ok people i decided that the few ppls that where following my project would like to be informed and updated on the progress of the Runescape minecraft server. well its slow going.  Good news tho i now have 3 admins working on the project. Mikesmonkey is doing all the coding and me and Goldberg_012 are building the map.

The intention of this server is simple make a runescape clone on minecraft with all or more features that the original runescape game. we are building a custom client and server to accomplish this but for map building using the original minecraft client will be fine(for now).

As for a time line on the project we are planing to have the entire f2p area done by the end of the year and live for people to play this will be accomplished by are endless fatigue and red bull. As for people that want to get a sneak peak of the server just shoot me an email and i will send you the address. i warn you tho i will be laggy because its running on a cable connection right now and its not a dedicated server as of now.

We so far have almost all the buildings laid out for varrock and most of the buildings done for Lumbridge this will be a 1:1.5 scale model with minecraft being the 1.5 we had to make it a little bigger because of the blocks in minecraft being slightly bigger than what is in runescape but never the less it will look REALLY close. well i guess that's it for now like i said previously i will keep this updated as the work continues and let you guys know the stauts of whats going on. later.